Audio Sampling Tools for Developers

Sampling industry enlarges every year with big companies getting bigger and new developers taking a bite from the cake. Especially sampling for KONTAKT (Native Instruments) businesses started to play a vital role in music industry. Audio developers need more tools to work efficiently for these purposes.

Here is a list of useful tools for developers,



When we talk about sampling, batch audio processing is crucial. Sample Manager is hands-down the most powerful and full-featured audio batch processor available today. Rename, change gain, fade, trim and process until your heart is content. Link your actions together as workflows and with a single click apply complex processes to as many audio files as you like.


Loop editer 2 supports all loop types, beat detection, ACID files and more. Loop Editor makes it easy and fast to add, edit and export slices. Exports a bevy of formats including compressed & uncompressed Apple Loops, AIFF, ACID, WAV and W64.



Melodyne is the most pitch accurate audio editor within audio industry. Especially playing with sampled vocal pitches without loosing the organic quality is priceless. This is what celemony says about melodyne,

In Melodyne, you work with notes – and not with a meaningless wave form. You don’t just see where the music gets louder or quieter but also where notes begin and end and at what pitch they lie. You can modify each note and thereby influence directly the intonation, phrasing and dynamics – and do this not only with vocals and monophonic instruments but with polyphonic instruments such as pianos and guitars as well. Working with Melodyne is like being able to say to a vocalist “sing this note a bit longer” or to a pianist “give slightly less weight to the third in this chord” – hours, weeks, even years after the recording session.


Native Instruments Kontakt is the leading sampler for producers and developers. Knobman and Musikbits are two powerful tools for GUI design.


Knobman is, as the name suggests,  a creation tool for the ‘Knob’ graphic images. The image strip has continuous frames stitched vertical, stitched horizontal or individual files.


Musikbits on the other hand is a gui generator web based tool for Kontakt developers. If you are a starter developer for Kontakt this tool may provide a kickstart.

Hope these tools help developers out there.

Thanks to Rast Sound for this post!

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